

Media Training

Standout In Your Next Interview On Any Platform

From TV, online videos, panel discussions and virtual events, we are living in the age of constant communication. You never know when you’ll find yourself called upon to do an interview at a moment’s notice. And It’s more important than ever to be able to engage in a memorable way that conveys your message and amplifies your brand.


We’ll work with you to make you feel comfortable and confident in the interview environment. We’ll help you:

  • Feel ready for any media engagement
  • Transform nervousness in confident delivery
  • Build credibility with your audience


Mock Interview and Critique2024-03-06T03:31:04+05:00

We’ll help you refine your message, then put it to the test in realistic interviews that elevate your ability to think on your feet and handle difficult questions when it’s time for the real thing. You’ll receive video reviews and critiques to identify areas for improvement.

On-Camera Essentials2024-03-06T03:32:59+05:00

In today digital age it is crucial that leaders know how to communicate effectively on camera, whether via live broadcasts, virtual meetings, or social media platforms. We will teach you how to look, sound and feel like a seasoned professional. You will learn tips and tricks on what works and what doesn’t in on-camera interviews.

Elevate Your Brand Image2024-03-06T03:34:21+05:00

How you present yourself in interviews plays a big role in how your brand is perceived. We will help you develop a polished and persuasive media persona that includes what you wear, body language and vocal delivery.

Presentation/Public Speaking Training

Yes, you too can present like a pro.

If the thought of speaking in public make you break out a sweat, you’re not alone. Studies show Nearly 75% Americans fear public speaking. We’re here to help relieve your stress.


Learning how to give a great presentation comes with many benefits. After training with us, you’ll notice a vast improvement in your level and confidence speaking in front of people. We’ll share proven strategies that helps presenters use personal stories and speak in their authentic voice to create a better connection with their audience.

Customized sessions are conducted for individuals and groups, in person or virtually.


Presentation Essentials2024-03-06T03:35:34+05:00

Giving a powerful presentation involves several key techniques including body language, voice modulation and interactive elements. We will explore all these and more.

Polishing Your Message2024-03-06T03:36:09+05:00

We will teach you how to use simple and straightforward language to convey your message effectively and avoid jargon or technical terms that may confuse your audience.

Presenting Virtually2024-03-06T03:36:36+05:00

Whether Zoom, Teams, Google Meets or a webinar, more of us are presenting virtually these days. We’ll show you tips and techniques to shine in your next virtual meeting.

Image Consulting

Image Consulting

When you look good you feel good!

As a former professional model, actor and television news anchor Michelle knows the power of image.

Image is incredibly important in public communication. The way you present yourself or your message visually can significantly impact how it is received and understood by others.


We will work with you to make sure you have a strong and appealing image that can grab attention, evoke emotions, and help convey your message more effectively.


Dress For Success2024-03-06T03:37:07+05:00

Are you stuck in a fashion rut? Imagine what improving your fashion sense will do for you. We will work with you to ensure that the clothing, colors, and styles you wear flatters you. We will guide you to making better fashion choices, so that your clothes will fit not only your body but your personality.

Beauty Essentials2024-03-06T03:37:37+05:00

For many people, hair and makeup can help boost confidence and enhance their professional image. We will guide you on elegant choices in hair and makeup that will help you look your best.

Modern Etiquette2024-03-06T03:38:05+05:00

Ever wondered the best way to walk into a room, what to do with your legs when sitting or network like a pro? That’s all etiquette, and you don’t have to be at the upper echelons of society to have it. Modern etiquette is about charisma and confidence. We will teach you some techniques that will transform you into a more elegant, polished version of yourself.

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